News and Accomplishments

"T-Rex" is the new Training Grants Dashboard

Working closely with the Training Grants Support Office (TGSO), the Data Warehouse / Business Intelligence team has developed a dashboard aimed at bringing in additional funds for pre and post-doc training programs. Containing 8 pages, the dashboard is designed to assist those applying for training grants by providing the formatted data necessary to meet the NIH requirements for proposal submissions of new training grants and renewals. Currently, 5 of the 8 pages are in production with development plans targeting a fall completion date.

EBI System Off-Line Schedule

To address database conflicts and data integrity issues which periodically occur when users access the EBI system during the nightly and weekend data loads, we are taking the EBI system off-line during the update process. Off-line times are as follows:

  • Monday through Saturday: 1:30 am ‐ 6:00 am (for incremental loads)
  • Sunday: 1:30 am - 12:00 pm (for full loads)
If you have questions, please contact us via the Finance Support Center.